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We have already shown at the end of Subsubsection that H 1
UCQ NR , yet it is
clearly not in UCQ NR (P ) , which proves that the latter two classes are separated. The former two
classes are separated by the query:
F(y) ]
=∃ x 1 . y 1 .A(x 1 ), B(x 1 ), C(y 1 ), F (y 1 ) ∨∃ x 2 . y 2 .A(x 2 ), D(x 2 ), E(y 2 ), F (y 2 )
y. [ A(x)
The expression on the first line is non-repeating; hence, the query is in UCQ NR , and the query is also
tractable: in fact, one can check that any UCQ query over a unary vocabulary is R 6 -safe and, hence,
tractable. On the other hand, this query is not in UCQ H,NR
because its lineage is not read-once:
over an active domain of size
2 the primal graph of the lineage contains the following edges (this
is best seen on the second line above) (B( 1 ), F ( 1 )) , (F ( 1 ), A( 2 )) , (A( 2 ), E( 2 )) . This induces the
graph P 4 because there are no edges (B( 1 ), A( 2 )) , (B( 1 ), E( 2 )) ,or (F ( 1 ), E( 2 )) . UCQ(OBDD)
This class, too, admits a simple syntactic characterization. Let Q be a query expression, and assume
that, for every atom R(v 1 ,v 2 ,...) , the terms v 1 ,v 2 ,... are distinct variables: that is, there are no
constants, and every variable occurs at most once. This can be ensured by ranking all attribute-
constant, and all attribute-attribute pairs, see the ranking rules in Subsection 4.1.2 . For every atom
L(x 1 ,x 2 ,...,x k ) let π L be the permutation on
representing the nesting order of the quantifiers
for x 1 ,...,x k . That is, the existential quantifiers are introduced in the order
[ k ]
x π( 1 ) . x π( 2 ) ... For
x 2 ... x 3 ... x 1 .R(x 1 ,x 2 ,x 3 )... then π R(x 1 ,x 2 ,x 3 )
example, if the expression is
= ( 2 , 3 , 1 ) .
Definition 5.18 A UCQ query expression Q is inversion-free if it is hierarchical and for any two
unifiable atoms L 1 ,L 2 , the following holds: π L 1
π L 2 . A query is called inversion-free if it is
equivalent to an inversion free expression.
One can check 2 that Q is inversion free iff its minimal representation as a union of con-
junctive queries is inversion free. For example, the query Q J = R(x 1 ), S(x 1 ,y 1 ), T (x 2 ), S(x 2 ,y 2 )
( Example 4.7 ) is inversion-free because it can be written as Q J =∃ x 1 .(R(x 1 ), y 1 .S(x 1 ,y 1 ))
x 2 .(T (x 2 ), y 2 .S(x 2 ,y 2 )) , and the variables in both S -atoms are introduced in the same order.
On the other hand, the query Q V = R(x 1 ), S(x 1 ,y 1 ) S(x 2 ,y 2 ), T (y 2 ) R(x 3 ), T (y 3 ) (defined
in Example 4.8 ) has an inversion: in the hierarchical expression, the variables in S(x 1 ,y 1 ) are intro-
duced in the order
y 2 . x 2 .
The connection between inversion-free queries and safety is the following. If a query Q is
inversion free, then it is R 6 -safe. Indeed, write Q as a union of conjunctive queries Q 1 Q 2 ...
If at least one of Q i is disconnected, Q i =
x 1 . y 1 while in S(x 2 ,y 2 ) they are introduced in the order
Q i
Q i , then apply the distributivity law to write
Q = Q Q
(where Q = Q 1 ... Q i ... and Q = Q 1 ... Q i
... ), then use the
2 If a query expression is inversion free, then, if we rewrite it as a union of conjunctive queries Q 1 Q 2 ... by repeatedly apply
the distributivity law, the expression remains inversion free. Moreover, by minimizing the latter expression, it continues to be
inversion free.
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