Agriculture Reference
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in order to coincide N applications with crop N uptake demand. Balanced fertilization should
be performed by supplying all required nutrients for crop growth, in order to improve crop N
use efficiency, and maximize CO 2 fixation. Calibrated fertilizer application can be achieved
by using equipment that ensure accurate delivery of prescribed N rates and proper placement.
Overlaps application should be avoided. In intensive crop systems of arid and semi-arid lands,
an effective irrigation scheduling is basic, not only to improve crops performance but also to
keep soil moisture in that value (40-60% WFPS) to reduce the N loss as N 2 O. Correct
irrigation reduce the also the risk of nitrate leaching. Moreover, in order to avoid NO 3 -
leaching, the application of NO 3 - based or any N sources on wet or waterlogged soils and on
highly permeable soils should be avoided.
Cover crop can be a successful management to guarantee continuous N uptake,
particularly after the application of fertilizers with slow release of N. Soil tillage represents a
management that drain soil, reducing in that way anoxic conditions favorable to N 2 O
emission. Recently, positive results have been obtained by using nitrification and urease
inhibitors at reducing N 2 O and NH 3 loss, respectively.
This chapter was supported by the PON-REC ―ENERBIOCHEM‖ Project no, 881/Ric -
National Operative Programme (PON) ―Research and Competitiveness 2007-2013
PON01_01966/10‖, PRIN MIUR 2009-2013 STNWX3 and the CSGI. Careful reading and
revising of the chapter by Professor Emeritus Les Brooks, Sonoma State University, is very
gratefully acknowledged.
Abbasi, M.K., and Adams, W.A. (2000). Gaseous N emission during simultaneous
nitrification denitrification associated with mineral N fertilization to a grassland soil
under field conditions. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 32, 1251-1259.
Agrammon Group (2009). Technical process description AGRAMMON - Draft. Online at:
Ahlgren, S., Baky, A., Bernesson, S., Nordberg, A., Norén, O., Hansson, P.A. (2008).
Ammonium nitrate fertilizer production based on biomass - Environmental effects from a
life cycle perspective. Bioresource Technology., 99, 8034-8041.
Anderson, I.C., Poth, M., Homstead, J., Burdige, D. (1993). A comparison of NO and N 2 O
production by the autotrophic nitrifier Nitrosomonas europea and the heterotrophic
nitrifier Alcaligenes fecalis. Applied & Environmental Microbiology, 59, 3525-3533.
Asman, W.A.H. (1992). Ammonia emission in Europe: updated emission and emission
variations, Rep. 228471008, National Inst. of Public Health and Environmental
Protection, Bilthoven.
Baumann, H., Tillman, A.-M. (2004). The Hitch Hikers Guide to LCA. An Orientation in Life
Cycle Assessment Methodology and Application. Studentlitteratur, Lund, Sweden.
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