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This gives the numbers for complex damages per m. These numbers can be
compared with experiments and this can give still another relation for the unknown
parameters such as .
We presented a brief description of the current status of the multiscale approach to
the radiation damage by ions. There are many aspects in this approach in different
areas of physics and other sciences.
The essential difference of this approach from other techniques is in approach
to complex damage. This approach, presented in this paper is an invitation to
experimentalists in biophysics and nano-dosimetry to think about possible ways of
finding patterns corresponding to complexity of damage in the observed data. The
main point in our approach to damage complexity is that it can be described by a
spatial distribution, which is related to distribution of the cell survival rate and to
the radial dose distribution.
The multiscale approach was designed in order to understand the mechanisms,
which make the ion-beam therapy work. This includes the understanding of what
is truly different between different therapies. Does the concentration of dose
account for everything? Perhaps no, otherwise there would not be a question
about the damage complexity. However, how different are the dose and complexity
distributions? The answers to these questions are important and they will help to
improve radiation therapy.
Acknowledgements We are grateful to the support of the authors' collaboration by the Deutsche
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