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interest to the nano-scale, it is obvious that absorbed dose is not a good quantity
to describe radiation effects (see the absorbed dose values in Table 13.1 ). However
the level of detail given by our LEPTS model allows us to develop new tools for
nanodosimetry, based on the number of ionisation events or, even more properly, the
number of molecular dissociations induced in the nano-volume. Note that for this
example we are only showing the total number of ionisations, but this simulation
also gives the number and type of ionic fragments produced which together with the
information on neutral dissociation and dissociative electron attachment will allow
us to characterise radiation effects in terms of structural molecular alterations.
Acknowledgments Work presented in this contribution has been partially supported by the
following projects and institutions: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci on (Project FIS2009-10245),
EU Framework Programme (COST Action MP1002) and the Australian Research Council through
its Centres of Excellence program.
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