Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Box jellyfish stings range from minor to deadly. It is best to presume a box jelly is dangerous until proven other-
wise. There are two main types of box jellyfish - multitentacled and single-tentacled.
Multitentacled box jellyfish are present in Thai waters - these are the most dangerous and a severe envenoma-
tion can kill an adult within two minutes. They are generally found on sandy beaches near river mouths and man-
groves during the warmer months.
There are many types of single-tentacled box jellyfish, some of which can cause severe symptoms known as
the Irukandji syndrome. The initial sting can seem minor; however severe symptoms such as back pain, nausea,
vomiting, sweating, difficulty breathing and a feeling of impending doom can develop between five and 40
minutes later.
There are many other jellyfish in Thailand that cause irritating stings but no serious effects. The only way to
prevent these stings is to wear protective clothing.
First Aid for Severe Stings
For severe life-threatening envenomations the first priority is keeping the person alive. Send someone to call for
medical help, and start immediate CPR if they are unconscious. If the victim is conscious douse the stung area
liberally with vinegar for 30 seconds.
Vinegar can also reduce irritation from minor stings as well. It is best to seek medical care quickly in case any
other symptoms develop over the next 40 minutes.
Australia and Thailand are now working in close collaboration to identify the species of jellyfish in Thai wa-
ters, as well as their ecology - hopefully enabling better prediction and detection of the jellyfish.
Thanks to Dr Peter Fenner for the information on jellyfish stings.
Environmental Hazards
Eating in restaurants is the biggest risk factor for contracting traveller's diarrhoea. Ways to avoid it include eating only
freshly cooked food, and avoiding food that has been sitting around in buffets. Peel all fruit and cook vegetables. Eat in
busy restaurants with a high turnover of customers.
For most people it takes at least two weeks to adapt to the hot climate. Prevent swelling of the feet and ankles as well as
muscle cramps caused by excessive sweating by avoiding dehydration and excessive activity in the heat of the day.
Heat stroke requires immediate medical treatment. Symptoms come on suddenly and include weakness, nausea, a hot
dry body with a body temperature of over 41°C, dizziness, confusion, loss of coordination, fits and eventually collapse
and loss of consciousness.
Insect Bites & Stings
Bedbugs live in the cracks of furniture and walls and then migrate to the bed at night to feed on humans. You can treat
the itch with an antihistamine.
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