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of impacted genomic functions. Basic fundamental research is needed, not only genotox-
icity studies for DNA structure integrity, but also transcriptomic studies to identify sets
of genes subjected to alterations and dysfunctioning. No doubt the development of the
“omics” technologies will be useful to investigate the mechanisms underlying pollutant
toxicity.  Furthermore, they have the potential to provide new high-throughput tools for
the detection of genomic disturbance and pollution fingerprints.
The authors warmly thank Mireille Ollivier, CNRS, for a literature survey and help in
providing documentation.
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Akcha, F. et al. 2000b. Induction and elimination of bulky benzo[ a ]pyrene-related DNA adducts and
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Akcha, F., G. Leday, and A. Pfohl-Leszkowicz. 2004. Measurement of DNA adducts and strand breaks
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site and period) factors on the extent of DNA damage. Mutat. Res. 552:197-207.
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Almeida, E.A. et al. 2007. Oxidative stress in Perna perna and other bivalves as indicators of environ-
mental stress in the Brazilian marine environment: Antioxidants, lipid peroxidation and DNA
damage. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 146A:588-600.
Amat, A. et al. 2006. DNA adducts in fish following an oil spill exposure. Environ. Chem. Lett. 4:93-9.
Anderson, S.L., and G.C. Wild. 1994. Linking genotoxic responses and reproductive success in eco-
toxicology. Environ Health Perspect . 102(Suppl 12):9-12.
Arab, K. et al. 2009. Typical signature of DNA damage in white blood cells: A pilot study on etheno
adducts in Danish mother-newborn child pairs. C arcinogenesis 30:282-5.
Atienzar, F.A., and A.N. Jha. 2004. The random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) assay to deter-
mine DNA alterations, repair and transgenerational effects in B( a )P exposed Daphnia magna .
Mutat. Res. 552:125-40.
Atienzar, F.A., and A.N. Jha. 2006. The random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) assay and
related techniques applied to genotoxicity and carcinogenesis studies: A critical review. Mutat.
Res. 613:76-102.
Atienzar, F.A. et al. 1999. Qualitative assessment of genotoxicity using random amplified polymor-
phic DNA: Comparison of genomic template stability with key fitness parameters in Daphnia
magna exposed to benzo[ a ]pyrene. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 18:2275-82.
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