Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
A gondola ride offers a view of Venice that is anything but pedestrian, with glimpses through water gates into palazzi
courtyards. Official daytime rates are €80 for 40 minutes (it's €100 from 7pm to 8am), not including songs (negotiated
separately) or tips. Additional time is charged in 20-minute increments (day/night €40/50). You may negotiate a price
break in overcast weather or around midday, when other travellers get hot and hungry. Agree on a price, time limit and
singing in advance to avoid unexpected surcharges.
Gondolas cluster at stazi (stops) along the Grand Canal, at the Ferrovia stop at the Venezia Santa Lucia station (
041 71 85 43) , the Rialto ( 041 522 49 04) and near major monuments (such as I Frari, Ponte Sospiri and Accade-
mia), but you can also book a pick-up (041 528 50 75) at a canal near you.
A traghetto is the gondola service locals use to cross the Grand Canal between its widely spaced bridges. Tra-
ghetti rides cost just €0.50 and typically operate from 9am to 6pm, although some routes finish by noon. For ma-
jor traghetto crossings, consult the main map section, though note that service can be spotty at times at all cross-
ings, so be sure to have a back-up plan.
Water Taxi
Licensed water taxis (Consorzio Motoscafi Venezia; 041 240 67 11, 24hr 041 522 23 03; )
are a costly way to get around Venice, though they may prove handy when you're late for the opera or have lots of lug-
gage. Prices can be metered or negotiated in advance. Official rates start at €8.90 plus €1.80 per minute, €6 extra if
they're called to your hotel. There are additional fees for night trips (10pm to 7am), luggage and for each extra passen-
ger above the first five. Even if you're in a hurry, don't encourage your taxi driver to speed through Venice - this kicks
up motoschiaffi (motorboat wakes) that expose Venice's ancient foundations to degradation and rot. Make sure your wa-
ter taxi has the yellow strip with the licence number displayed. Illegal water-taxi drivers have been a special problem on
the Isola del Tronchetto.
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