Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
So what if the siren just blasted out the signal for acque alte ? Neither rain nor high tides
can dampen high spirits at Venice's happy hour, when even the most orthodox fashionistas
gamely pull on stivali di gomma (rubber boots), and slosh out to the bar to get first dibs on
cicheti (Venetian tapas). At happy hour, you'll have the usual: prosecco, crostini (open-
face sandwiches) and a side of controversy. Did you hear about wheelchair-access issues
on the Ponte di Calatrava, possible publicity on the Ponte di Rialto, the disappearance of
funds for building a new Palazzo del Cinema, and art installations causing uproars at the
latest Biennale and Punta della Dogana shows? Get your opinions and wisecracks ready,
because diplomatic deferral is not an option - and joking is expected here in the home of
Goldoni and opera di buffa (comic opera).
Glancing at your watch, you might decide to attend a friend's invitation to a recital or
debut. If you accepted every invitation you received to a theatre performance, book read-
ing, jazz concert or art opening by a relative, neighbour or friend-of-a-friend, your social
calendar would be as packed as Carnevale year-round. But some events you just can't skip
- if Venice's history is any indication, you never know which show could be the one
people will be talking about for decades or even centuries to come. Besides, that way you
won't have to take the long way around to work tomorrow, to avoid inevitable delays from
apologies and belated congratulations in the calle . Tomorrow you're on call to assist in
Venice's encore performance, for a whole new audience of visitors - but tonight there's
time for one last toast, to la bea vita di Venezia (Venice's beautiful life).
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