Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
After decades of debate, Berlusconi launches the construction of Modulo Sperimentale Elettromec-
canico (Mose) to prevent disastrous looding from rising sea levels.
With support from the city, François Pinault moves his world-class contemporary-art collection to Gi-
orgio Masari's 1749 Palazzo Grassi, redesigned by Tadao Ando.
The irst new bridge across the Grand Canal since before WWII, Ponte di Calatrava opens amid con-
troversy over its modernity, cost and wheelchair accessibility.
Tadao Ando reinvents abandoned Punta della Dogana customs houses as a museum showcasing
French billionaire Pinault's provocative art-installation collection.
Italy's Culture Ministry blocks a Rem Koolhaas-designed roof terrace for conversion of Benneton's
Fontego dei Tedeschi into a department store.
International readers and 50 Venetian authors rally in Libreria Marciana to preserve Venetian book-
stores as global literary culture hubs.
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