Environmental Engineering Reference
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On an industrial scale, water use is likely one of the most wasteful practices, and some
strategies can be adopted to reduce consumption. The main actions include adjusting processes,
replacing processes with alternatives that consume less water or no water, reuse, recycle, and
mitigate the impact.
Proportional to water consumption is the generation of wastewater, which needs treatments
to preserve aquatic ecosystems before discharging back to bodies of water. These days, aerobic
systems are the most widespread methods to treat wastewater. These systems use large amounts
of energy and generate solids in the form of sludge that needs further treatment. Alternatives to
aerobic systems are the anaerobic ones that use less energy, produce less solids, and generate
methane gas that can be used as a source of energy. Effluents after anaerobic treatment need
further polishing before being discharged to surface waters. This polishing step can be com-
pleted with traditional aerobic systems, the use of membranes, or engineered natural systems.
The use of engineered natural systems is not common, but enough science exists to develop
and use them as a supplement of anaerobic wastewater treatment. Engineered natural systems
consist of a series of steps that use microorganisms, protozoa, snails, and plants to carry out
each step of the process.
Finally, the preservation of aquatic ecosystems is not complete without a good storm man-
agement system. Precipitation in the form of rain and snow that cannot infiltrate the ground
flows to the surroundings as a runoff, which promotes erosion, downstream flooding, reduces
groundwater recharge, and loads surface water with pollutants.
Runoff can be controlled by promoting natural water infiltration in the vicinity of the rain-
fall area and delaying the residual runoff to avoid peak discharges. This can be achieved by
minimizing impervious surfaces, using filter strips around impervious areas, creating swales
and check dams, and redirecting the excess to retention ponds, detention ponds, bioretention
cells, or constructed wetlands.
Alvarez, J. A., Ruiz, I. and Soto M. 2008. Anaerobic digesters as a pretreatment of constructed wetlands.
Ecological Engineering 33 (1): 54-67.
Anheuser-Busch. 2007. Corporate social responsibility report. Available at <http://www.anheuser-busch.com/
PDF/AB_2007_CSR.pdf> [Accessed November 8, 2009].
Barista, D. 2001. Living machine. Building Design & Construction 42 (4): 30-34.
Bessette, R. 2003. Energy efficiency and industrial boiler efficiency: An industry perspective. Steam Digest
2002 : 5-16. Washington, D.C.: Department of Energy.
Brown, L. R. 2005. Outgrowing the Earth: The food security challenge in an age of falling water tables and
rising temperatures . New York: W. W. Norton & Co.
Cakir, F. Y. and Stenstrom, M. K. 2005. Greenhouse gas production: A comparison between aerobic and
anaerobic wastewater treatment technology. Water Research 39: 4197-203.
California Coastal Commission. 2004. Seawater desalinization and the California Coastal Act. Available at:
<http://www.coastal.ca.gov/energy/14a-3-2004-desalination.pdf> [Accessed November 10, 2009].
Campbell, C. S., Ogden, M. and Ogden, M, H. 1999. Constructed wetlands in the sustainable landscape .
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Chapagain, A. K. and Hoekstra, A. Y. 2004. Water footprints of nations, vol. 1: Main Report. Research Report
Series No. 16. The Netherlands: UNESCO-IHE, Delft.
Cheremisinoff, N. P. 2001. Handbook of water and wastewater treatment technologies . Boston: Butterworth-
Coca-Cola. 2008. The Coca Cola Company 2007/2008 sustainability review. Available at <http://www.the-
coca-colacompany.com/citizenship/pdf/2007-2008_sustainability_review.pdf> [Accessed November
10, 2009].
Dairy applications. GEA Filtration. Available at: <http://www.geafiltration.com/applications/dairy_applications.
asp> [Accessed January 25, 2011].
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