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spectra of the obtained aqueous phase was compared to the corresponding conduct-
ing polymer obtained by classical biocatalytic synthesis, in which HRP is dissolved
in the aqueous reaction media. Both spectra were similar and clearly showed an
absorption peak maximum at 420 nm. Furthermore, a well-known absorption tail
extended towards the near-IR region between 800 and 1100 nm, arising from the
polaron population in the material, which is a sign of the formation of conduct-
ing PANI. From the measurements obtained for PEDOT, the UV-Vis spectra of the
EDOT monomer, the enzymatically obtained PEDOT, and a PEDOT prepared us-
ing the classical chemical oxidative polymerization [ 49 , 50 ] areshowninFig. 11 .
Both PEDOT spectra are similar, indicating a typical absorption peak maximum at
800 nm and proving the successful enzymatic synthesis of PEDOT.
The recovered HRP/IL mixture was added to a new aqueous reaction media, in-
cluding fresh monomer, stabilizer, and H 2 O 2 . A second reaction took place and the
HRP/IL was recovered again by liquid-liquid phase separation. In the case of ani-
line, the same process was successfully repeated up to five times using the same
Fig. 11 UV-Vis spectra of
(a) EDOT+PSS at pH 2,
(b) enzimatically obtained
PEDOT, and (c) PEDOT
prepared using the classical
chemical oxidative
Reaction run
Fig. 12 Electrical conductivity films obtained from the aqueous solutions after several runs. Run
0 indicates the control value obtained without encapsulation of the enzyme. (Reprinted with per-
mission from Rumbau et al. [ 48 ]. c
2006, American Chemical Society)
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