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Colour Segmentation
Considering a pair of colour images that can be used to extract a 3-D structure, we
mainly focus on the region edges where most likely embed depth discontinuities. To
extract homogeneous regions mean shift based colour segmentation [21] is applied
to search for a maxima in a density function. This process is demonstrated in Fig. 7,
where (a) and (b) are original colour images, and (c) is the colour segmentation by
mean shift.
Fig. 7 Colour images and the segmentation by mean shift: (a) Left image, (b) right colour
and (c) segmentation result
A surface comprises a number of patches that can be represented by a dispar-
ity plane: d = c 1 x + c 2 y + c 3 ,where( x , y ) refers to image pixel coordinates, and
( c 1 , c 2 , c 3 ) are used to determine a disparity d . Without further process, the available
disparity planes will be redundant and sometimes appear to be “noisy”. A number of
approaches can be used to reduce the noise. Klaus et al. [8] utilised a self-adapting
dissimilarity measure that integrates the sum of absolute intensity differences (SAD)
and a gradient based measure which is defined as
F SAD ( x , y , d )=
I 1 ( i , j )
I 2 ( i + d , j )
( i , j )
N ( x , y )
F GRAD ( x , y , d )=
( i , j ) N x ( x , y ) |
x I 1 ( i , j )
x I 2 ( i + d , j )
N y ( x , y ) | y I 1 ( i , j )
y I 2 ( i + d , j )
( i , j )
where N ( x , y ) is a 3
3 window surrounding position ( x , y ). N x ( x , y ) is a window
without the rightmost column, N y ( x , y ) is a window without the lowest row,
x is
the forward gradient to the right and
x is the forward gradient to the left.
between F SAD and F GRAD can be used to maximise the
number of reliable correspondences that are handled by a cross-checking scheme in
An optimal weight
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