Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
18. Hewage, C.T.E.R., Worrall, S.T., Dogan, S., Kondoz, A.M.: Prediction of stereoscopic
video quality using objective quality models of 2-D video. IET Electronics Letters 44,
963-965 (2008)
19. Ekmekcioglu, E., Mrak, M., Worrall, S.T., Kondoz, A.M.: Edge adaptive upsampling
of depth map videos for enhanced free-viewpoint video quality. IET Electronics Let-
ters 45(7), 353-354 (2009)
20. Cheng, I., Basu, A.: Perceptually optimized 3D transmission over wireless networks.
In: Proc. International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques
ACM SIGGRAPH, California (2005)
21. Draft Supplement to STANDARD FOR Telecommunications and Information Ex-
change Between Systems-LAN/MAN Specific Requirements - Part 11: Wireless Me-
dium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications: Medium
Access Control (MAC) Enhancements for Quality of Service. IEEE 802.11e/Draft 4.2,
IEEE 802.11 WG (2003)
22. Deng, D.J., Chang, R.S.: A Priority Scheme for IEEE 802.11 DCF Access Method.
IEICE Trans.: Comms. 82, 96-102 (1999)
23. Bystrom, M., Stockhammer, T.: Dependent source and channel rate allocation for
video transmission. IEEE Trans.: Wireless Comm. 3, 258-268 (2004)
24. van Dyck, R.E., Miller, D.J.: Transport of wireless video using separate, concatenated,
and jointsource-channel coding. Proceedings of the IEEE 87, 1734-1750 (1999)
25. Gharavi, H., Alamouti, S.M.: Video Transmission for Third Generation Wireless Com-
munication Systems. Journal of research: National institute of standards and technol-
ogy 106, 455-470 (2001)
26. Nasir, S., Worrall, S.T., Mrak, M., Kondoz, A.M.: An unequal error protection scheme
for object based video communications. In: Proc. IEEE International Symposium on
Consumer Electronics, Portugal (2008)
27. Dogan, S., Cellatoglu, A., yguroglu, M., Sadka, A.H., Kondoz, A.M.: Error-resilient
video transcoding for robust internetwork communications using GPRS. IEEE Trans.:
Circuits and Sys. for Video Tech. 12, 453-464 (2002)
28. Ma, Y., Worrall, S.T., Kondoz, A.M.: Automatic Video Object Segmentation Using
Depth Information and an Active Contour Model. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Image Proc-
essing, San Diego, USA (2008)
29. ISO: Overview of the MPEG-4 Standard, ISO/IEC JTC/SC29/WG11 N4668 (2002)
30. Il-Min, K., Hyung-Myung, K.: An optimum power management scheme for wireless
video service in CDMA systems. IEEE Trans.: Wireless Comm. 2, 81-91 (2003)
31. Worrall, S.T., Fabri, S.N., Sadka, A.H., Kondoz, A.M.: Prioritisation of Data Parti-
tioned MPEG-4 Video over Mobile Networks. ETT: Europ. Trans. on Telecom. 12,
169-174 (2001)
32. Wang, Y., Wenger, S., Wen, J., Katsaggelos, A.K.: Error resilient video coding tech-
niques. IEEE Signal Pro. Magazine 17, 61-82 (2000)
33. Fall, K., Varadhan, K.: The ns manual,
(accessed June 02, 2009)
34. Ni, Q.: IEEE 802.11e NS2 Implementation,
(accessed June 02, 2009)
35. Zitnick, C.L., Kang, S.B., Uyttendaele, M., Winder, S., Szeliski, R.: High-quality
video view interpolation using a layered representation. ACM Transactions: Graphics
(TOG) 23, 600-608 (2004)
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