Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
ε i control(s) the potential nonlinear distortion which transforms a cube into a pyra-
mid trunk according to the global reducing rate a i =
d i 2
i + k i 2 (
varying along Z ,
ε i = b i 2
B i
W b
μ i control(s) width over depth relative enlarging rate(s), or the horizontal/depth
anamorphose factor,
b i 2
k i 2 B i
i =
control(s) height over width relative enlarging rate(s), or the vertical/horizontal
anamorphose factor,
= W b
H b
γ i control(s) the horizontal“shear” rate(s) of the perceived depth effect,
γ i = c i b i 2
e i B i
d i 2 B i
δ i control(s) the vertical ”shear” rate(s) of the perceived depth effect by an ob-
server whose overhanging position complies with what is expected,
p i 2 B i
P i 2 b i 2 ρ
d i 2 B i
i =
Thus we have defined the depth distortion possibilities using the previously estab-
lished shooting and viewing geometries. Moreover, this model makes the quantify-
ing of those distortions possible for any couple of shooting and viewing settings by
simple calculus based upon their geometric parameters.
Shooting Design Scheme for Chosen Distortion
One can use any multiscopic shooting device with any multiscopic viewing device
while giving an effect of depth to any well-placed viewer (3D movie theater for
example) but section 3 shows that distortions will not be similar for each couple of
technologies. In this section, we will design the shooting geometry needed to obtain
a desired distortion on a given viewing device: whether perfect depth or chosen
distortion effect of a shot scene.
Knowing how distortions, shooting and viewing parameters are related, it be-
comes possible to derive the shooting layout from former distortion and viewing
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