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Gray levels
Gray levels
(TV) based method
(GC) based method
Fig. 5 Disparity maps of the (TV) and (GC) based methods applied on Teddy, Dolls and
Baby stereo pairs
the color information. Especially, we notice that the most precise results have been
generally obtained by using the luminance-chrominance Luv space, which seems to
be a suitable color space for stereo matching.
5Con lu ion
In sum, in this chapter has described a preliminary investigation into the utility of
color information in solving the stereo correspondence problem. The results of this
investigation strongly indicate that using color information can significantly im-
prove the precision of color stereo matching, especially when a suitable color sys-
tem is chosen. We found that the luminance-chrominance Luv color space offers the
best performances. We also shown that the RGB space, which is the most popular
color model in stereo matching, only achieves average results.
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