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To insure that flow discontinuities are preserved, we use a regularized form of the
Frobenius norm of the Jacobian of v [27].
The term E 1 ensures spatial regularity of the recreated frames. We use a smooth
form of the classical total variation ROF model [28]. It is especially useful when
the motion estimates are unreliable. Assuming nevertheless that we can reliably
estimate motion most of the time, this term should have a limited influence, by
means of giving it a small weight.
The detailed energy formulation we use thus is
λ 1
λ 2
2 ) dx
2 ) dx
E ( u , v )=
Ω ψ
Ω ψ
|L v u
E 1
E 2
λ 3
2 ) dx
2 +
| 3 v 1 |
| 3 v 2 |
Du = u 0
E 3
t ) T
is the entire image sequence domain,
3 =(
x ,
y ,
is the spatiotem-
poral gradient, and the
's are positive constants weighing the terms with re-
spect to each other. v 1 and v 2 are the x -and y -components of the flow field, i.e.
v =( v 1 , v 2 ) T . (In the implementation we use a double representation of the flow
field in the forward and backward directions respectively. In theory and in the con-
tinuous domain they are one and the same, but is split in practice—mainly due to
( s 2 )= s 2 +
is an approximation of the
function as the lat-
is a small positive constant (10 8
ter is non-differentiable at the origin.
in our
Splitting the energy (4) accordingly in an intensity and a flow part, we get this
energy to be minimized for the intensities
λ s
λ t
2 ) dx
E i ( u )=
2 ) dx
Ω ψ
Ω ψ
|L v u
Du = u 0
E 1
E 2
λ s =
λ 1 and
λ t =
λ 2 in (4). For the flow we need to minimize
λ 2
λ 3
2 ) dx
E f ( v )=
2 ) dx
2 )+
Ω ψ
|L v u
v 1 |
v 2 |
E 2
E 3
In order to improve quality, the BCA in E 2 could be supplemented with the gradient
constancy assumption (GCA) proposed first by Brox et al. in [15] for optical flows
only. The GCA assumes that the spatial gradients remain constant along trajectories,
and can be written as
u xx u xy
u xy u yy
v +
u t = 0 .
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