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capable of simultaneous spatial interpolation with resolution enhancement, tempo-
ral video interpolation, noise reduction, and preserving high frequency components.
Initial results using MASK were presented in [20].
An overview of this chapter is as follows. Firstly, we provide a review of 2-D
SKR in Section 2. Then, we extend 2-D SKR to 3-D SKR and describe the MASK
approach in Section 3. Subsequently, we propose a practical video upscaling algo-
rithm based on MASK in Section 4, proposing further novel techniques to reduce
computational complexity and improve robustness. We present several example re-
sults of our algorithm in Section 5 and conclude in Section 6.
Review of Steering Kernel Regression
This section gives an overview of SKR, which is the basis of MASK. We be-
gin with describing the fundamental framework of SKR, called kernel regression
(KR), in which we estimate a pixel value of interest from neighboring pixels using
a weighted least-square formulation. We propose an effective weighting function
for the weighted least-square estimator, called steering kernel function , that takes
not only spatial distances between the samples of interest into account, but also the
radiometric values of those samples.
Kernel Regression in 2-D
The KR framework defines its data model as
x i =[ x 1 i , x 2 i ] T ,
i ,
i = 1 ,
, P ,
y i = z ( x i )+
where y i is a noisy sample at x i (Note: x 1 i and x 2 i are spatial coordinates), z (
) is
the (hitherto unspecified) regression function to be estimated,
i is an i.i.d. zero
mean noise, and P is the total number of samples in an arbitrary “window” around a
position x of interest as shown in Fig. 1. As such, the kernel regression framework
provides a rich mechanism for computing point-wise estimates of the regression
function with minimal assumptions about global signal or noise models.
Fig. 1 The data model for the kernel regression framework
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