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2.2.2 Ranking Uncertain Instances in Multiple Uncertain Objects
Given multiple uncertain objects, how can we select a small subset of instances
meeting users' interests? Ranking queries (also known as top- k queries) [3, 4, 5, 6]
are a class of important queries in data analysis that allows us to select the instances
ranked top according to certain user specified scoring functions. We consider the
top- k selection query model [29].
Definition 2.10 (Top- k selection queries). For a set of instances S , each instance
S is associated with a set of attributes A . Given a predicate P on A , a ranking
function f : S
0, a top- k selection query Q P , f returns a set
R and a integer k
of instances Q P , f (
Q P , f (
S P , where S P is the set of instances satisfying P ,
) | =
o )
Q P , f (
and o
Q P , f (
S P |}
and f
) >
for any instances o
To keep our presentation simple, we assume that the top- k selection queries in our
discussion select all instances in question. That is S P =
S . Those selection predicates
can be implemented efficiently as filters before our ranking algorithms are applied.
Moreover, we assume that the ranking function f in a top- k selection query can be
efficiently applied to an instance o to generate a score f
. When it is clear from
context, we also write Q P , f as Q k for the sake of simplicity. Ranking Probabilities
How can we apply a top- k selection query to a set of uncertain objects? Since each
object appears as a set of instances, we have to rank the instances in the possible
worlds semantics.
A top- k selection query can be directly applied to a possible world that consists
of a set of instances. In a possible word, a top- k selection query returns k instances.
We define the rank- k probability and top- k probability for instances and objects as
Given a set of uncertain objects and a ranking function f , all instances of the
uncertain objects can be ranked according to the ranking function. For instances
o 1 and o 2 , o 1 f o 2 if o 1 is ranked higher than or equal to o 2 according to f . The
ranking order
f is a total order on all instances.
Definition 2.11 (rank- k Probability and top- k probability). For an instance o , the
rank- k probability Pr
is the probability that o is ranked at the k -th position in
possible worlds according to f , that is
W ∈W s.t. o = W f ( k )
where W f (
denotes the instance ranked at the k -th position in W .
The top- k probability Pr k
is the probability that o is ranked top- k in possible
worlds according to f , that is,
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