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set of vertices. An HP-tree can be constructed top-down starting from the root which
represents the complete set of vertices in graph G . Then, the graph is partitioned
recursively. For a non-leaf node N and the set of vertices V N associated with N ,an
m -partitioning is applied to V N and results in m exclusive subsets of V N , namely
V N 1 ,...,
V N m . Thus, m corresponding child nodes of N are constructed for N . The
partition continues until each subset contains at most d vertices ( d is a user specified
number). Figure 8.7(b) shows a 2-nary HP-tree corresponding to the partition in
Figure 8.7(a). If we apply a linear time heuristic graph partitioning method [193],
then constructing an HP-tree using m -partitioning requires O
n log m d )
8.3.2 Approximating Min-Value Estimates
To approximate a min-value estimate, we store auxiliary information for each node
in an HP-tree as follows. For each leaf node N L representing a vertex v and its parent
node N associated with a set of vertices V N , we compute the weight of the shortest
path between v and each border vertex of V N . The smallest weight is stored in N L .
Then, for node N and each of its ancestor nodes N A , let V A be the set of vertices
associated with N A . We compute the shortest paths between each border vertex of
V N and each border vertex of V A . The smallest weight is stored in N .
For example, in the HP-tree shown in Figure 8.7(b), F is a leaf node, and we store
the smallest weight of shortest paths from F to the border vertices of N 7, which is w 1
in Figure 8.7(a). Then, for node N 7, we compute the smallest weight of the shortest
paths between any border vertex in N 7 and any border vertex in N 3. Since N 7 and
N 3 share a common border vertex ( I ), the smallest weight is 0. The smallest weight
of the shortest paths between N 7 and N 1is w 2 in Figure 8.7(a).
The min-value estimate for a vertex u can be approximated as follows. Let N u
and N v be the parent node of u and v , respectively. Let N be the lowest common
ancestor node of N u and N v . Then, the weight of any path between u and v is at
least w
N u
N u
N v
N v
, where w
N u
and w
N v
are the
smallest weight from u and v to N u and N v , respectively, and w
are the smallest weight from N u and N v to N , respectively. Searching the lowest
common ancestor node of two vertices takes O
N u
and w
N v
log m d )
For example, in Figure 8.7, the lowest common ancestor node of F and G is the
root node, which is partitioned by l 1 . Thus, the weight of the shortest path between
F and G is at least w 1 +
w 2 +
w 3 +
w 4 . It can be used as the min-value estimate of F
with respect to the end vertex G .
8.3.3 Approximating Stochastic Estimates
To approximate a stochastic estimate, we store two pieces of information for each
node in the HP-tree.
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