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PME-graphs are useful in deriving possible worlds of linkages and ranking query
evaluation methods, which will be discussed in Sections 7.2.5, 7.3 and 7.4.
Besides PME-graphs, we create a maximal clique graph to represent the depen-
dencies between maximal cliques. Hereafter, only maximal cliques in the PME-
graphs are of interest. For the sake of simplicity, we refer to maximal cliques as
Definition 7.3 (Clique graph). Given a PME-graph G L , A , B , the corresponding
clique graph is a graph G clique (
, where a vertex v C
V corresponds to a max-
E if cliques C and C in the
imal clique C in G L , A , B and an edge e CC =(
v C
v C )
PME-graph share a common vertex.
Let C be a maximal clique in G L , A , B and V C be the set of vertices in C . The
probability of the corresponding vertex v C
V in the clique graph is Pr
v C )=
x V C Pr
Hereafter, in order to distinguish between the vertices in a PME-graph and the
vertices in a clique graph, we refer to a vertex in a clique graph as a clique.
Figures 7.2(a), (b) and (c) show a set of linkages, the PME-graph and the clique
graph, respectively. Each node v i in Figure 7.2(b) corresponds to a linkage l i in
Figure 7.2(a). Each maximal clique in Figure 7.2(b) corresponds to a vertex in Fig-
ure 7.2(c).
7.2.3 Compatibility of Linkages
To check wether a set of linkages
are compatible, a straightforward approach is
to check, for each clique C
can lead to a marginal distribution on C that is consistent with the given marginal
distribution f
G clique , whether the joint probability on G clique
. However, this approach is very costly since we have to compute
the joint probability on cliques G clique
C for every C .
Fortunately, we can derive a sufficient and necessary condition for compatible
linkages as stated in the following theorem.
Theorem 7.2 (Compatibility). Given a set of linkages
and the corresponding
clique graph G C , then linkages in
are compatible if and only if, for each con-
nected component G
G C , one of the following two conditions holds:
1. G is acyclic;
2. G is a cycle such that each vertex v C in the cycle is connected to two edges
e 1 and e 2 , whose corresponding vertices v 1 and v 2 in the PME-graph satisfy
v 1 )+
v 2 )=
1 .
Proof. We first prove the sufficiency, that is, if the clique graph of a set of linkages
satisfies one of the two conditions in the theorem, then the linkages are compatible.
Condition 1. If the clique graph G C is acyclic, then the joint distribution of the
linkages can be derived using the methods discussed in Section 7.2.5.
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