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17. Clarkson J, d'Anglemont de Tassigny X, Moreno AS, Colledge WH, Herbison AE (2008)
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29. Lapatto R, Pallais JC, Zhang D, Chan YM, Mahan A, Cerrato F et al (2007) Kiss1-/- mice
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30. Dungan HM, Gottsch ML, Zeng H, Gragerov A, Bergmann JE, Vassilatis DK et al (2007)
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31. Kauffman AS, Park JH, McPhie-Lalmansingh AA, Gottsch ML, Bodo C, Hohmann JG et al
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32. d'Anglemont de Tassigny X, Fagg LA, Dixon JP, Day K, Leitch HG, Hendrick AG et al
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35. Mei H, Walters C, Carter R, Colledge WH (2011) Gpr54-/- mice show more pronounced
defects in spermatogenesis than Kiss1-/- mice and improved spermatogenesis with age when
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36. Chan YM, Broder-Fingert S, Wong KM, Seminara SB (2009) Kisspeptin/Gpr54-independent
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