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18. Simonneaux V, Ansel L, Revel FG, Klosen P, Pevet P, Mikkelsen JD (2009) Kisspeptin and the
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19. Tena-Sempere M (2006) KiSS-1 and reproduction: focus on its role in the metabolic regulation
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30. Backholer K, Smith JT, Rao A, Pereira A, Iqbal J, Ogawa S, Li Q, Clarke IJ (2010) Kisspeptin
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31. Castellano JM, Bentsen AH, Mikkelsen JD, Tena-Sempere M (2010) Kisspeptins: bridging
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33. Rachon D, Teede H (2010) Ovarian function and obesity—interrelationship, impact on wom-
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