Biology Reference
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77. Kadokawa H, Shibata M, Tanaka Y, Kojima T, Matsumoto K et al (2009) Bovine C-terminal
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the pituitary as well as pulsatile LH secretion in bovines. Domest Anim Endocrinol
78. Kriegsfeld LJ, Mei DF, Bentley GE, Ubuka T, Mason AO et al (2006) Identifi cation and
characterization of a gonadotropin-inhibitory system in the brains of mammals. Proc Natl
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79. Tsutsui K, Ubuka T, Bentley GE, Kriegsfeld LJ (2012) Gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone
(GnIH): discovery, progress and prospect. Gen Comp Endocrinol 177(3):305-314
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