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4. Wakabayashi Y, Nakada T, Murata K, Ohkura S, Mogi K, Navarro VM et al (2010) Neurokinin
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19. Smith JT, Dungan HM, Stoll EA, Gottsch ML, Braun RE, Eacker SM et al (2005) Differential
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20. Constantin S, Piet R, Iremonger K, HwaYeo S, Clarkson J, Porteous R, Herbison AE (2012)
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21. Oakley AE, Clifton DK, Steiner RA (2009) Kisspeptin signaling in the brain. Endocr Rev
22. Xu Y, Nedungadi TP, Zhu L, Sobhani N, Irani BG, Davis KE et al (2011) Distinct hypothalamic
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23. Addison ML, Rissman EF (2012) Sexual dimorphism of growth hormone in the hypothala-
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