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Fig. 11.3 Kiss1 mRNA and kisspeptin expression in the AVPV of adult rats. Mean level of Kiss1
mRNA expression ( a ) and kisspeptin immunoreactivity ( b ) in the AVPV of male and female rats
that were either neonatally castrated (Neo Cast), neonatally treated with estradiol benzoate
(Neo EB), or untreated. All animals were gonadectomized and treated with E 2 or without E 2 as
adults to equalize hormone levels. Values with same letters are not signifi cantly different within the
group with the same adult E 2 treatment. Values with asterisks are signifi cantly different from cor-
responding animals without adult E 2 treatment. The number in or on each column indicates the
number of animals used. Values are means ± SEM. Modifi ed from Homma T, Sakakibara M,
Yamada S, Kinoshita M, Iwata K, Tomikawa J, Kanazawa T, Matsui H, Takatsu Y, Ohtaki T,
Matsumoto H, Uenoyama Y, Maeda K-i, Tsukamura H 2009 Signifi cance of Neonatal Testicular
Sex Steroids to Defeminize Anteroventral Periventricular Kisspeptin Neurons and the GnRH/LH
Surge System in Male Rats. Biology of Reproduction 81:1216-1225. With permission from The
Society for the Study of Reproduction
more robust on PND 14 and 16 (Fig. 11.1 ) [ 40 ]. Semi-quantitative analysis of Kiss1
mRNA levels/cell revealed a signifi cant sex difference only beginning around PND
16 [ 40 ]. Thus, AVPV/PeN Kiss1 mRNA expression fi rst arises at the same time in
both sexes (~PND 10), but the sex difference in both cell number and mRNA
expression/cell takes several more days to develop, at least as assessed via ISH in
mice. As mentioned above, in other rodent studies utilizing IHC, neither sex displays
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