Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
1. Anderson, M., Cochrane, P.: Julius Poole & Gibson: the first eighty years from Tote to
CAD. Julius Poole & Gibson, Sydney (1989)
2. ibid
3. ibid
4. Conlon, B.: Automatic Totalisators Limited - later ATL, (accessed 29/11/2009)
5. Swade, D.: Science Goes to the Dogs: a Sure Bet for Understanding Computers. In: New
Scientist, October 29 (1987)
6. CSIRO Chairmen - April 1926 to 31 December 1945,
(accessed 11/11/2009)
7. Anderson, M., Cochrane, P.: ibid (1989)
8. Service for founding Vice-Chancellor. In: Agora La Trobe Uni. Alumni Assoc. Newsletter
Autumn (2000),
9. Bennett, J.M., et al. (eds.): Computing in Australia: the development of a profession,
pp. 9-14. Hale & Iremonger, Sydney (1994)
10. Personal details generously provided by Frances Boyd née Pearcey (July 2004)
11. Pearcey, T.: A History of Australian Computing. Chisholm Institute of Technology,
Melbourne (1988)
12. Hartree, D.: U.S. Developments in Calculating Machines, National Archives of the History
of Computing NAHC/HAR/C1 (July 1945)
13. Von Neumann, J.: First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC. In: Randall, B. (ed.) 1973: The
Origins of Digital Computers. Springer, New York (1945)
14. Pearcey, T.: Modern Trends in Machine Computation. Aust. J. Science X/4 Supp. (1948)
15. Pearcey, T.: ibid (1988)
16. Exhibition of Equipment and Demonstrations. In: Proceedings of Conference on Auto-
matic Computing Machines held in the Department of Electrical Engineering, University
of Sydney August 1951. CSIRO, Melbourne (April 1952)
17. Doornbusch, P.: The Music of the CSIRAC: Australia's First Computer Music. Common
Ground (2005)
18. Willis, J.B., Deane, J.F.: Trevor Pearcey and the First Australian Computer: A Lost Oppor-
tunity? In: Historical Records of Australian Science. CSIRO (2006)
19. Victorian Heritage Database - CSIRAC,
20. Morton, P.: Fire across the desert: Woomera and the Anglo-Australian Joint Project 1946-
1980. AGPS Press, Canberra (1989)
21. Personal recollections from Peter Goddard (2007)
22. Allen-Ovenstone, J.: Notes on data processing at LRWE. NAA A427/2/2 folio 7A (1953)
23. Morton, P.: ibid (1989)
24. WRE 1957: Data Processing and Automatic Computing Machines - Proceedings of
Conference held at Weapons Research Establishment, Salisbury S.A. Commonwealth of
Australia Dept. of Supply, Adelaide (June 3-8 1957)
25. Bennett, J.: Obituary for John Allen Ovenstone. In: Australian Computer Bulletin
(September 1984)
26. Morton, P.: ibid (1989)
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