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tury chapel of San Andrea, which has been cleverly incorporated into the museum's plush
modern interior.
Battistero Neoniano
(Piazza del Duomo; 9am-7pm Apr-Sep, 9.30am-5.30pm Mar & Oct, 10am-5pm Nov-Feb) Roman ru-
ins aside, this is Ravenna's oldest intact building, constructed over the site of a former Ro-
man baths in the late 4th century. Built in an octagonal shape, as was the custom with all
Christian baptisteries of this period, it was originally attached to a church (since des-
The mosaics, which thematically depict Christ being baptised by St John the Baptist in
the River Jordan, were added at the end of the 5th century.
Basilica di
Sant'Apollinare Nuovo
(Via di Roma; 9am-7pm Apr-Sep, 9.30am-5.30pm Mar & Oct, 10am-5pm Nov-Feb) An old legend
states that Pope Gregory the Great once ordered the Apollinare's mosaics to be blackened
as they were distracting worshippers from prayer. A millennium and a half later, the
dazzling Christian handiwork is still having the same effect. It's almost impossible to take
your eyes off the 26 white-robed martyrs heading towards Christ with his Apostles on the
right (south) wall.
On the opposite side, an equally expressive procession of virgins bears similar offerings
for the Madonna. The basilica dates originally from the 560s and its architectural fusion of
Christian east and west can be seen in its marble porticoes and distinctive conical bell
Mausoleo di Teodorico
(Via delle Industrie 14; admission €3; 8.30am-7pm) Historically and architecturally separate
from the other Unesco sites (there are no mosaics here), this two-storey mausoleum was
built in 520 for Gothic king Teodorico, who ruled Italy as a viceroy for the Byzantines. It
is notable for its Gothic design features (rare for the time) and throwback Roman con-
struction techniques: the huge blocks of stone were not cemented by any mortar.
At the heart of the mausoleum is a Roman basin of porphyry that was recycled as a sar-
cophagus. It's 2km from the city centre. Take bus 2 or 5.
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