Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
tourist office (
0432 94 07 65; Via Roma 3;
9.30am-noon Mon-Fri, 4-6pm Tue, Wed & Fri,
10.30am-12.30pm & 4-6pm Sat & Sun) .
Eating & Drinking
Bottega di Prosciutto
( ; Via Umberto I; 9am-1pm & 3-7pm, closed Mon & Wed afternoon)
Buy all the ham your heart and stomach desire at Bottega di Prosciutto, as well as brows-
ing the regional cheeses and wines and an excellent selection of pan-Italian produce.
Osteria di Tancredi
0432 94 15 94; ; Via Sabotino 10; plates €8, meals €25-30;
Thu-Tue) Serves up the Friulian classics: cjalcions , frico and apple gnocchi.
Enoteca la Trappola
( 0432 94 20 90; Via Cairoli 2; plates €8) Head to dark and moody Trappola for crowd-pleas-
ing platters of prosciutto or trout and well-priced wine by the glass.
Getting There & Away
Regular buses run to San Daniele from Udine (€4.50, 45 minutes), 25km to the southeast.
There are two world-revered prosciuttos manufactured in Italy: the lean, deliciously nutty (and more
famous) ham from Parma, and the dark, exquisitely sweet Prosciutto di San Daniele. It might come as
a surprise to find that the latter - Friuli Venezia Giulia's greatest culinary gift to the world - comes
from a village of only 8000 people, where it is salted and cured in 27 prosciuttifici (ham-curing plants)
safeguarded by EU regulations.
Standards are strict. San Daniele's prosciutto is made only from the thighs of pigs raised in a small
number of northern Italian regions. Salt is the only method of preservation allowed - no freezing,
chemicals or other preservatives can be used. The X factor is, of course, terroir , the land itself. Some
prosciuttifici claim it's the cool, resinous Alpine air meeting the Adriatic's humid, brackish breezes
that define their product, others argue that it's about San Daniele's fast-draining soil: such effective
ventilation makes for perfect curing conditions.
In August the town holds the Aria di Festa , a four-day annual ham festival when prosciuttifici do
mass open-house tours and tastings, musicians entertain and everyone tucks in. San Daniele's tourist
office has a list of prosciuttifici that welcome visitors year-round; call ahead to book.
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