Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
POP 51,300
Pordenone may not make it on to many travel hot lists, but that's not to say it's not the
kind of place - youthful, lively - you wouldn't mind calling home. Pedestrianised Corso
Vittorio Emanuele II draws an elegant curve between Piazza Cavour and the duomo
(cathedral). Lined with an almost unbroken chain of covered portici (porches), the historic
streetscape buzzes with smart shops and busy cafes.
Duomo di San Marco
(Piazza San Marco; 7.30am-noon & 3-7pm) The bare Romanesque-Gothic facade of the
Duomo di San Marco betrays signs of frequent changes down the centuries. Inside, among
the frescoes and other artworks, is the Madonna della misericordia, by the Renaissance
master Il Pordenone (1484-1539).
Palazzo del Comune
In defiance of the other-worldly, the Palazzo del Comune (Town Hall) stands facing away
from the duomo . The 13th-century brick structure has three Gothic arches and some ex-
travagant Renaissance additions.
Museo Civico d'Arte
( 0434 39 29 35; ; Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 51; adult/reduced
€3/1; 3.30-7.30pm Tue-Sun, plus 10am-1pm Sun) Located in Palazzo Ricchieri's richly decor-
ated upper rooms is the city's modest Museo d'Arte. Its collection of Friulian and Veneto
artists ranges from the 15th to the 18th centuries. The building is in itself a treasure, with
timber ceilings and remains of 14th-century frescoes suddenly appearing throughout.
Eating & Drinking
La Vecia Osteria del Moro
( 0434 2 86 58; ; Via Castello 2; meals €35; noon-2pm & 7-10pm
Mon-Sat) La Vecia Osteria del Moro, just off the Corso near the Comune, is a vaulted den
offering snacks, grills and local specialities like Venetian-style baccalá (cod) and snails.
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