Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Here are key vaporetto lines and major stops, subject to seasonal change:
1 Piazzale Roma-Ferrovia-Grand Canal (all stops)-Lido and return
2 San Zaccaria-Redentore-Zattere-Tronchetto-Ferrovia-Rialto-Accademia-San Marco
5 San Zaccaria-Murano and return
41 Murano-Fondamente Nuove-Ferrovia-Piazzale Roma-Redentore-San Zaccaria-Fondamente
Nuove-San Michele-Murano
42 Reverse direction to line 41
51 Lido-Fondamente Nuove-Ferrovia-Piazzale Roma-Zattere-San Zaccaria-Giardini-Lido
52 Reverse direction to line 51
N (all-stops night circuit, 11.30pm to 5am) Lido-Giardini-San Zaccaria-Grand Canal (all
stops)-Ferrovia-Piazzale Roma-Tronchetto-Zattere-Redentore-San Giorgio-San Zaccaria
DM (Diretto Murano) Tronchetto-Piazzale Roma-Ferrovia-Murano and return
T Torcello-Burano (half-hourly service) and return (7am to 8.30pm)
The standard water taxi (Consorzio Motoscafi Venezia; 041 240 67 11, 24hr 041 522 23 03; ) between Marco Polo airport and Venice costs €110 one way and
€32 per person in a shared taxi. Official rates start at €8.90 plus €1.80 per minute, plus €6
if they're called to your hotel and more for night trips, luggage and large groups. Prices
can be metered or negotiated in advance.
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