Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
There are a number of internet cafes in the area around Stazione Termini. Costs are usu-
ally between €4 and €6 per hour.
The following are available in English:
Osservatore Romano ( ) The online edition of the Vatican's official
daily newspaper.
Wanted in Rome ( ) A useful expat magazine that comes out every
second Wednesday and features classified ads, listings and reviews. The online version is
For problems that don't require hospital treatment, call the Guardia Medica Turistica (
7730 6650; Via Emilio Morosini 30) .
You can also call a private doctor to come to your hotel or apartment; try Roma Medica (
338 6224832; call-out/treatment charge €150; 24hr) . The call-out/treatment fee will prob-
ably be around €150, but it's worth it if you have insurance. For emergency treatment, go
to the pronto soccorso (casualty) section of an ospedale (hospital).
Pharmacists will serve prescriptions and can provide basic medical advice. Night phar-
macies are listed in daily newspapers and in pharmacy windows.
Farmacia Vaticana ( 06 6988 9806; Palazzo Belvedere, Via di Porta Angelica; 8.30am-6pm Mon-
Fri Sep-Jun, 8.30am-3pm Mon-Fri Jul & Aug, plus 8.30am-1pm Sat year-round) In the Vatican. Sells
certain drugs that are not available in Italian pharmacies, and will fill foreign prescriptions
(something local pharmacies can't do).
06 84 48 31; Viale Regina Elena 287b) For emergency
Ospedale di Odontoiatria G Eastman (
dental treatment.
06 6 83 51; Lungotevere in Sassia 1) Near the Vatican.
Ospedale Santo Spirito (
Pharmacy ( 06 488 00 19; Piazza Cinquecento 51) Near Stazione Termini. There's also a phar-
macy inside Stazione Termini (next to platform 1), open from 7.30am to 10pm.
06 4 99 71; ; Viale del Policlinico 155) Near
Policlinico Umberto I (
Stazione Termini.
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