Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
( 06 511 03 42; ; Via delle Sette Chiese 283; adult/reduced €8/5; 9am-noon &
2-5pm Wed-Mon, closed Jan; Via Appia Antica) Among Rome's largest and oldest, these won-
derful catacombs stretch for about 18km. They were established on the private burial
ground of Flavia Domitilla, niece of the emperor Domitian and a member of the wealthy
Flavian family. They contain Christian wall paintings and the haunting underground Ch-
iesa di SS Nereus e Achilleus , a 4th-century church dedicated to two Roman soldiers mar-
tyred by Diocletian.
Villa di Massenzio
( 06 780 13 24; ; Via Appia Antica 153; adult/reduced €5/4; 9am-4pm Tue-
Sat; Via Appia Antica) The outstanding feature of Maxentius' enormous 4th-century
palace complex is the Circo di Massenzio OFFLINE MAP GOOGLE MAP , Rome's best-preserved
ancient racetrack - you can still make out the starting stalls used for chariot races. The
10,000-seat arena was built by Maxentius around 309, but he died before ever seeing a
race here.
Above the arena are the ruins of Maxentius' imperial residence, most of which are
covered by weeds. Near the racetrack, the Mausoleo di Romolo OFFLINE MAP GOOGLE MAP
(Tombo di Romolo) was built by Maxentius for his son Romulus. The huge mausoleum was
originally crowned with a large dome and surrounded by an imposing colonnade, in part
still visible.
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