Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Italian Passions
Co-ordinated wardrobes, strong espresso and general admiration are not the only things
that make Italian hearts sing. And while Italian passions are wide and varied, few define
Italy like football and opera.
Better Living by Design
As an Italian, you actually did your co-workers a favour by being late to the office to give
yourself a final once-over in the mirror. Unless you want your fellow employees to avert
their gaze in dumbstruck horror, your socks had better match. The tram can wait as you
make la bella figura (cut a fine figure).
Italians have strong opinions about aesthetics and aren't afraid to share them. A common
refrain is Che brutta! (How hideous!), which may strike visitors as tactless. But consider it
from an Italian point of view - everyone is rooting for you to look good, so who are you to
disappoint? The shop assistant who tells you with brutal honesty that yellow is not your
colour is doing a public service, and will consider it a personal triumph to see you outfitted
in orange instead.
If it's a gift, though, you must allow 10 minutes for the sales clerk to fa un bel pacchetto,
wrapping your purchase with string and an artfully placed sticker. This is the epitome of la
bella figura - the sales clerk wants you to look good by giving a good gift. When you do,
everyone basks in the glow of la bella figura: you as the gracious gift-giver and the sales
clerk as savvy gift consultant, not to mention the flushed and duly honoured recipient.
The World Economic Forum's 2012 Global Gender Gap Report ranked Italy 80th worldwide in
terms of overall gender equality, sliding from 74th position in 2011. It ranked 101st in female
economic participation and opportunity, 65th in educational attainment and 71st in political em-
As a national obsession, la bella figura gives Italy its undeniable edge in design, cuisine,
art and architecture. Though the country could get by on its striking good looks, Italy is
ever mindful of delightful details. They are everywhere you look and many places you
don't: the intricately carved cathedral spire only the bell-ringer could fully appreciate, the
toy duck hidden inside your chocolate uova di pasqua (Easter egg), the absinthe-green silk
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