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rooms that were paved with coloured marble. In 2007 a mosaic-covered vaulted cavern
was discovered beneath the Domus, which some believed to be the Lupercale, a cave be-
lieved by ancient Romans to be where Romulus and Remus were suckled by a wolf.
The grey building near the Domus Augustana houses the Museo Palatino OFFLINE MAP
GOOGLE MAP (admission incl in Palatino ticket; 8.30am-1hr before sunset; Colosseo) and its
collection of archaeological artefacts, including a beautiful 1st-century bronze, the Ermadi
Beyond the museum is the Domus Flavia, the public part of Domitian's palace com-
plex. This was centred on a grand columned peristyle - the grassy area with the base of an
octagonal fountain - off which the main halls led.
Among the best-preserved buildings on the Palatino is the Casa di Livia OFFLINE MAP
GOOGLE MAP (closed to the public), northwest of the Domus Flavia. Home to Augustus'
wife Livia, it was built around an atrium leading onto what were once frescoed reception
rooms. In front is the Casa di Augusto OFFLINE MAP GOOGLE MAP ( 11am-3.30pm Mon, Wed,
Sat & Sun; Colosseo) , Augustus' separate residence, which contains superb frescoes in
vivid reds, yellows and blues.
Behind the Casa di Augusto are the Capanne Romulee OFFLINE MAP GOOGLE MAP
(Romulean Huts) , where it is thought Romulus and Remus were brought up after they were
rescued by the shepherd Faustulus.
Northeast of the Casa di Livia lies the criptoportico OFFLINE MAP GOOGLE MAP , a 128m
tunnel where Caligula is thought to have been murdered, and which Nero later used to
connect his Domus Aurea with Palatino. Lit by a series of windows, it's now used to stage
temporary exhibitions.
In the northwest corner of the Palatino, and covering the Domus Tiberiana (Tiberius'
palace), the Orti Farnesiani OFFLINE MAP GOOGLE MAP are one of Europe's earliest botanical
gardens, dating to the 16th century. Twin pavilions at the garden's northernmost point
command breathtaking views over the Roman Forum.
Roman Forum
(Foro Romano; 06 3996 7700; ; Largo della Salara Vecchia; adult/reduced incl Co-
losseum & Palatino €12/7.50; 8.30am-1hr before sunset; Via dei Fori Imperiali) Today an im-
pressive, if rather confusing, sprawl of ruins, the Roman Forum was once the beating
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