Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The most famous of Rome's many legends is the story of Romulus and Remus and the city's founda-
tion on 21 April 753 BC.
According to myth, Romulus and Remus were the children of the vestal virgin Rhea Silva and
Mars, god of war. While still babies they were set adrift on the Tiber to escape a death penalty im-
posed by their great-uncle Amulius, who at the time was battling with their grandfather Numitor for
control of Alba Longa. However, they were discovered near the Palatino by a she-wolf, who suckled
them until a shepherd, Faustulus, found and raised them.
Years later the twins decided to found a city on the site where they'd originally been saved. They
didn't know where this was, so they consulted the omens. Remus, on the Aventine, saw six vultures;
his brother over on the Palatino saw 12. The meaning was clear and Romulus began building, much to
the outrage of his brother. The two subsequently argued and Romulus killed Remus.
Romulus continued building and soon had a city. To populate it he created a refuge on the Capit-
oline, Aventine, Celian and Quirinale hills, to which a ragtag population of criminals, ex-slaves and
outlaws soon decamped. However, the city still needed women. Romulus therefore invited everyone
in the surrounding country to celebrate the Festival of Consus (21 August). As the spectators watched
the festival games, Romulus and his men pounced and abducted all the women, an act that went down
in history as the Rape of the Sabine Women.
They say that a lifetime's not enough for Rome (Roma, non basta una vita!). There's
simply too much to see. So the best plan is to choose selectively, and leave the rest for
next time.
Several discount cards are available for serious museum-goers. You can buy them at participating mu-
seums, or online at . The Roma Pass is also available at tourist information points.
Appia Antica Card ( ; adult/reduced €7/4, valid 7 days) For the Terme di
Caracalla, Mausoleo di Cecilia Metella and Villa Quintili.
Archaeologia Card (adult/reduced €24.50/14.50, valid 7 days) Covers the Colosseum, Palatino, Ro-
man Forum, Terme di Caracalla, Palazzo Altemps, Palazzo Massimo alle Terme, Terme di Dioclezi-
ano, Crypta Balbi, Mausoleo di Cecilia Metella and Villa Quintili.
Roma Pass ( ; 3 days €34) Provides admission to two museums or sites (choose from
a list of 45), as well as reduced entry to extra sites, unlimited city transport, and reduced entry to other
exhibitions and events. If you use this for more-expensive sights such as the Capitoline Museums and
the Colosseum you'll save money.
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