Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
The coast between Palermo and Milazzo is studded with popular tourist resorts attracting a
steady stream of holidaymakers, particularly between June and September. The best of
these is Cefalù, a resort second only to Taormina in popularity. Just inland lie the two
massive natural parks of the Madonie and Nebrodi mountains.
POP 14,300
This popular holiday resort wedged between a dramatic mountain peak and a sweeping
stretch of sand has the lot: a great beach; a truly lovely historic centre with a grandiose
cathedral; and winding medieval streets lined with restaurants and boutiques. Avoid the
height of summer when prices soar, beaches are jam-packed and the charm of the place is
tainted by bad-tempered drivers trying to find parking.
Duomo di Cefalù
( 092 192 20 21; Piazza del Duomo; 8am-7pm Apr-Sep, 8am-5pm Oct-Mar) Cefalù's cathedral is
one of the jewels in Sicily's Arab-Norman crown, only equalled in magnificence by the
Cattedrale di Monreale and Palermo's Cappella Palatina. Filling the central apse, a tower-
ing figure of Christ All Powerful is the focal point of the elaborate Byzantine mosaics - Si-
cily's oldest and best preserved, predating those of Monreale by 20 or 30 years.
La Rocca
(admission €3; 9am-6.45pm May-Sep, 9am-4.45pm Oct-Apr) Looming over the town, this impos-
ing craggy mass is the site where the Arabs built their citadel, occupying it until the Nor-
man conquest forced them down to the port below. An enormous staircase, the Salita Sara-
ceno , winds up through three tiers of city walls, a 30-minute climb. There are stunning
views from the ruined 4th-century Tempio di Diana up top.
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