Database Reference
In-Depth Information
2. The following screen asks you to specify the data source view where the di-
mension table is found along with the dimension key and its corresponding
3. Recall that when creating a data source view, we imported table definitions
from a relational source, including any primary and foreign keys used to re-
late fact tables to dimension tables. Additionally, if the source dimension table
did not have a primary key, we defined the logical primary key within the DSV.
A dimension's key attribute must uniquely identify each dimension row. The
name column is presented to Analysis Services users while browsing the di-
mension and is optional for the key attribute. This is because you may or may
not want to expose the key attribute for querying. Our project currently con-
tains a single DSV, which is automatically detected and selected by the wiz-
ard. If we had multiple DSVs, you could pick the one from which you wanted
to build the dimension.
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