Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Dimension property name
vices version, this property defaults to
1050. If the database was created using
the 2012 version, the compatibility level is
set to 1100 by default.
It controls how Analysis Services handles
queries, which reference members that
do not exist in the dimension. Many re-
ports based on MDX queries explicitly ref-
erence dimension members. Some di-
mension members that once existed
could have been removed. By default,
Analysis Services 2012 simply treats
such data as null—so the report will re-
turn nothing for missing members. The
other option is Error —if you use this
value, Analysis Services will report an er-
ror any time the MDX query references a
missing member.
This property controls how Analysis Ser-
vices behaves if it does not find the ex-
pected dimension member during pro-
cessing. The record could be ignored,
converted to an "unknown" member, or
hidden. The available property values are
None (default), Visible , Hidden , or
AutomaticNull . An unknown member
generally exposes an issue within your
data source. If you prefer to not display
such rows at all, set this property to Hid-
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