Database Reference
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Dimension property name
cause of the string store data limit—see
the StringStoresCompatibil-
ityLevel property. The MOLAP mode
generally outperforms ROLAP and is
hence preferred. If you find that dimen-
sion processing time is exceedingly long
and delivering data to users is more im-
portant than query performance, you
could try using ROLAP .
Note: SSDT shows an InMemory option
in a drop-down box for this property;
however, the InMemory option is only
available for the Tabular Model, dis-
cussed in this topic.
It defines how Analysis Services should
handle processing errors. Refer to
Chapter 5 , Optimizing Dimension and
Cube Processing , for more information.
The default value is ByAttribute ,
which sends a separate SELECT state-
ment to the relational source for each at-
tribute during dimension processing. Ad-
ditionally, ByAttribute includes a
DISTINCT keyword to ensure that we
only return unique attribute values. The
ByTable option sends a single SELECT
statement for the entire dimension without
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