Database Reference
In-Depth Information
File is corrupted
Perhaps one of the most dreaded errors, this message indicates exactly what it says.
The bottom line is that you need to reprocess the affected object. If corruption affects
dimension index or partition aggregation files, you only need to run the ProcessIn-
dexes command. If the fact file is corrupted, you need to fully reprocess the entire
partition. Fortunately, Microsoft has made great strides towards fixing potential cor-
ruption issues over the years, so you shouldn't see many occurrences of such errors
with the latest builds of the software.
Keep in mind that synchronization doesn't check for file corruption—it simply copies
files from a source to target instance. Hence, if you use synchronization you could
replicate the problem before it is detected. One practice that could help you detect
dimension file corruption is to run the ProcessIndexes command against dimen-
sions—if any files are corrupted the command will fail. Clearly, your code needs to
be smart enough to trap the errors and take the corrective action.
Error encountered in the transport layer
This error could be encountered during querying or synchronization and normally in-
dicates a transient network connectivity issue. If you repeatedly encounter such er-
rors during synchronization, consider the increasing server send timeout and server
receive timeout properties on both source and target instances.
Internal error or unexpected exception
This indicates an issue with MSFT code—you should open a case with support and
look for memory dumps generated around to the time of the error. Fortunately, MSFT
consistently tries to fix bugs in the latest releases of the software; be sure to check
for a list of fixes included in each service pack and cumulative update.
Deadlocks have a somewhat different meaning in SSAS compared to relational data-
base systems. Deadlock error advises that processing or metadata operation at-
tempted to but could not acquire necessary locks due to a conflicting operation. I
have most commonly observed this error when the user attempts creating a session-
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