Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Common yet confusing SSAS errors
Although documenting every SSAS error you could encounter is well beyond the
scope of this topic, there are common errors you may encounter that are particularly
obscure and might leave you scratching your head for days. Hopefully, the explana-
tions and troubleshooting steps included here will help alleviate some of your head-
Binding is too small
The term "binding" in the Analysis Services context indicates mapping of a relational
database column to a dimension attribute. You can expect binding errors if you
change the column data type without adjusting your data source view or attribute
properties. SSAS doesn't update properties automatically; any time you make
changes to the relational schema, you should also apply corresponding changes in
the SSAS project.
You can encounter another set of binding errors when data contains invalid XML char-
acters. Ensure your attributes are configured to account for such characters.
Attribute key cannot be found
Although quite benign and easy to troubleshoot when encountered during partition
processing, the missing attribute key error can also pop up when running Process Up-
date against dimensions. The key to understanding the reason for error lies in how
Analysis Services processes attributes. The query for processing a specific attribute
also includes any related attributes. For example, if we're processing the date dimen-
sion, the query sent to the relational database for the month name attribute will be the
following code:
AS [dbo_DimTimeCalendarYear0_0],
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