Database Reference
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Sum of SalesAmount:=SUM([SalesAmount])
2. If you want to change the name, you can change it in the formula bar or in
the Properties page using the Measure Name property. The name precedes
the colon and equal sign. The expression would look like the following, when
the name is changed to Total Sales :
Total Sales:=SUM([SalesAmount])
One of the key differences between the Tabular Model and the multidi-
mensional model is its support for distinct counts. Distinct counts require
additional work in multidimensional models, whereas this is not required
in the Tabular Models.
3. You can also add calculations based on multiple columns. In our next ex-
ample, we will calculate the effective tax rate by dividing the tax amount by
the sales amount. As a calculated measure, we want this to still be a slice-
able value. To create this calculation, we will add a formula anywhere in the
measure grid at the bottom of the design surface. The formula we will add is
as follows:
=SUM('Internet Sales'[TaxAmt])/
SUM('Internet Sales'[SalesAmount])
4. When you add this formula in the measure grid, it is assigned a generic name
such as Measure 1 . As previously mentioned, you can and should change
the name. You can also change the formatting in the Properties page. This
measure should be in the percent format.
See also
• For a more detailed discussion on DAX, refer to Chapter 10 , DAX Calcula-
tions and Queries , where more complex DAX calculations will be discussed.
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