Database Reference
In-Depth Information
5. The Synchronization wizard allows you to execute synchronization right
away or save the command to a file. You do not have the option of scripting
the command to the query window or clipboard. The Synchronize XMLA
command will look like the following:
<Synchronize xmlns:xsi =
XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd =
"" xmlns
= "
<ConnectionString>Provider =
MSOLAP.5;Data Source =
julia-pc\sql2012;Integrated Security =
SSPI;Initial Catalog =
How it works...
As you already know, the Synchronize command runs on the target instance.
However, you cannot process or make changes to the source database while it is
being synchronized. This is implemented through an explicit BEGIN TRANSACTION
command on the source instance. Once all the files are copied over to the target
instance data folder and synchronization is ready to commit its work on the target in-
stance, SSAS issues an explicit ROLLBACK TRANSACTION command on the source
instance to release locks and allow resuming processing.
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