Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The <Process><BufferRecordLimit> and <Process><BufferMemoryLim-
it> properties specify the number of records for each memory buffer and the max-
imum percentage of memory that can be used by a memory buffer. Lower the value
of these properties to process more partitions in parallel. You should monitor pro-
cessing using the SQL Profiler to see if some partitions included in the processing
batch are being processed while the others are waiting.
The <ExternalConnectionTimeout> and <ExternalCommandTimeout>
properties control how long an SSAS command should wait for connecting to a rela-
tional database and how long SSAS should wait to execute the relational query be-
fore reporting timeout. Depending on the relational source, it might take longer than
60 seconds (that is, the default value) to connect. If you encounter processing er-
rors without being able to connect to the relational source, you should increase the
ExternalConnectionTimeout value. It could also take a long time to execute a
query; by default, the processing query will timeout after one hour. Adjust the value
as needed to prevent processing failures.
The contents of the <AllowedBrowsingFolders> property define the drives and
directories that are visible when creating databases, collecting backups, and so on.
You can specify multiple items separated using the pipe ( | ) character.
The <ForceCommitTimeout> property defines how long a processing job's commit
operation should wait prior to cancelling any queries/jobs which may interfere with
processing or synchronization. A long running query can block synchronization or
processing from committing its transaction. You can adjust the value of this property
from its default value of 30 seconds to ensure that processing and queries don't step
on each other.
The <Port> property specifies the port number for the SSAS instance. You can use
the hostname followed by a colon ( : ) and a port number for connecting to the SSAS
instance in lieu of the instance name. Be careful not to supply the port number used
by another application; if you do so, the SSAS service won't start.
The <ServerTimeout> property specifies the number of milliseconds after which
a query will timeout. The default value is 1 hour, which could be too long for
analytical queries. If the query runs for an hour, using up system resources, it could
render the instance unusable by any other connection. You can also define a query
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