Database Reference
In-Depth Information
You can add any number of users to the Security measure group as long as the
same domain accounts are granted permission to the dynamic security role.
Keep in mind that the dynamic security implementation discussed in this section
relies on the measure group. In order to provide access to new users, you
must process the Security measure group after adding user logins to the
FactUserTerritory table. Newly added users will not be able to read the
cube data until the Security measure group is processed.
The dynamic security solution that we just implemented uses the StrToMember
function. This could result in some performance overhead when working with
large data sets. For an alternative syntax for implementing a dynamic security
role, please refer to the A role security MDX tip section in the blog post: ht-
tp:// .
There's more...
Some applications use the .NET code to enforce dimension or cell-level security
within cubes. The primary reason for using .NET programs to secure cubes is that
the Security measure group grows too large and processing it is often not a feas-
ible option. However, most applications serve hundreds or thousands of users and
processing the Security measure group is much quicker than processing other
measure groups that are likely to have millions of rows. You can create partitions to
speed up the processing of the Security measure groups much like you do with
any other measure group. Refer to online forums and blogs for examples of imple-
menting dynamic security using .NET code.
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