Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Working with the Time dimensions
In the previous section you learned how to navigate dimension hierarchies. Date- and
time-related dimensions are somewhat special because they are a part of nearly all
business intelligence implementations, and much of the analysis focuses on examin-
ing the trends over time. MDX offers a number of functions for working specifically
with date dimensions. In this section I will provide a couple of examples of the most
frequently exploited time intelligence functions.
How to do it...
A very common reporting requirement is to display the running total of values for each
timespan. Yet another frequent requirement is to compare the current values with that
of an equivalent value during the previous week, month, quarter, or year. The follow-
ing recipe shows the steps to display quarter-to-date and year-to-date running totals,
in addition to reporting internet sales' values for each month. You will also learn how
to compare the current measure's values with the corresponding values from a previ-
ous timespan:
1. Use the PeriodsToDate function to get a year-to-date value. This function
accepts the attribute (or level) at which you wish to aggregate the measure as
well as the member to which the values should be aggregated. The calcula-
tion will once again refer to the CurrentMember function to advise SSAS to
aggregate year-to-date values to the current member of the calendar hier-
Year], [Date].[Calendar].CurrentMember),
[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount])
2. PeriodsToDate can work at any level of the time dimension. MDX also
provides special cases of PeriodsToDate that work on specific levels: MTD
function is for month-to-date, QTD for quarter-to-date, and YTD for year-to-
date. Let's use QTD to also report the subtotals for each calendar quarter.
Since QTD only works at the quarter level, you do not have to explicitly specify
the attribute on which data needs to be summed:
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