Database Reference
In-Depth Information
From [Adventure Works]
RETURN [Reseller Sales].[Reseller Sales
Amount],[Reseller Sales].[Reseller Order
Quantity],[Reseller Sales].[Reseller Extended
Amount],[Reseller Sales].[Reseller Tax
Amount],[Reseller Sales].[Reseller Freight
Cost],[Reseller Sales].[Discount
Amount],[Reseller Sales].[Reseller Unit
Price],[Reseller Sales].[Unit Price Discount
Percent],[Reseller Sales].[Reseller Total
Product Cost],[Reseller Sales].[Reseller
Standard Product
Date].[Date],[$Sales Territory].[Sales
Territory Region],[$Reseller Sales Order
Details].[Carrier Tracking Number],[$Reseller
Sales Order Details].[Customer PO
Number],[$Reseller Sales Order Details].[Sales
Order Number],[$Reseller Sales Order
Details].[Sales Order
Date].[Date],[$Source Currency].[Source
Currency].[Destination Currency Code]
The DRILLTHROUGH command displays details of each sale making up the total
Reseller Sales Amount measure for Community Department Stores ,
showing the order date, ship date, delivery date, customer name, purchased product
name, and other attributes. Please reference the online documentation for more in-
formation about the DRILLTHROUGH command. Note that if you do not limit the num-
ber of rows returned by the drillthrough action, the upper limit is controlled by the
server-wide configuration option DefaultDrillthroughMaxRows in the msmd-
srv.ini file or through the instance configuration properties in SSMS.
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