Database Reference
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ning the wizard 24 times per day (for hourly partitions) is too labor intensive. Further-
more, creating partitions might only be a small portion of the scheduled job streams.
The sequence of scheduled jobs could collect data from various source systems,
populate a relational warehouse, and manage Analysis Services objects as new data
becomes available. Even if you're not a programmer, don't despair, as you can auto-
mate the creation of partitions with relatively easy commands using the PowerShell
scripting language. Of course Powershell is not the only language you can use to
create partitions; feel free to experiment with a language of your choice. Here are
sample Powershell commands for creating a new partition based on an existing mod-
el partition. You can customize the script for your environment:
# Script to create a new partition based on
existing partition
#load the Analysis Services assembly first so
you can instantiate Analysis Services server
object(# MicrosoftAnalysisServices.dll #will be
found under your Analysis Services installation
Files\Microsoft SQL
$amoServer= new-object
#connect to the instance:
#connect to the database, cube and measure
group of interest:
$cube =
Reseller Sales")
#clone the existing partition:
$new_partition =
$mg.partitions.GetByName("Reseller Sales
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