Database Reference
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Measure property
aggregated across any dimension and are reported only at
the leaf level.
Analysis Services supports the following measure aggreg-
ation functions:
SUM : This is the sum of values;
COUNT : This is the count of values;
MIN : This reports the smallest value;
MAX : This reports the largest value;
DISTINCT COUNT : This is the count of unique val-
NONE : This reports a non-additive value only at
the leaf level;
ByAccount : This aggregates non-additive values
depending on the account; this function is specific-
ally for financial reporting / accounting applica-
tions. The ByAccount measure requires a dimen-
sion, which has the type property set to account;
AverageOfChildren : This reports the semi-addit-
ive average value determined by summing the val-
ues found at a lower-level and dividing them by the
count of values;
FirstChild : This reports the first semi-additive
value, for example, the value of January 01 if you
browse January's data;
LastChild : This reports the last semi-additive
value, for example, the value of January 31st if you
browse January's data;
FirstNonEmpty : This reports the first semi-addit-
ive, non-null (non-empty) value. For example, if the
first date in January with a non-null value is Janu-
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