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Europe 2020 is the current competitive strategy of the European
Union. There are ten key principles that have been identified as
central to the success of Europe 2020:
being more ambitious in its aims for the future of the European
achieving more leadership in driving the changes needed across
the Community;
incorporating both long-term and short-term issues;
providing better integration across the community;
tackling key issues that affect Europe;
providing stronger governance on implementation of change;
working harder at incorporating the diverse actors across the EU;
developing evidence-based and more realistic policies;
modelling effective implementation across all agencies of the
Commission; and
taking a sufficient amount of time to implement change effectively.
(Martens and Zuleeg, 2010)
The important features of strategies like the American Competitiveness
Initiative, the Lisbon Strategy and Europe 2020 is the recognition of
the role that research and development, education and training,
environmental sustainability and the health and welfare of the
nation play in building competitive advantage. These are areas
where governments can use effective policy and funding instruments
as a means of building the conditions necessary for successful
innovation. Taken together, all of these factors constitute the national
innovation system.
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3.2 The key components of national innovation systems
One commentator suggests that the NIS approach emerged in
response to frustrations about the limited ways that economic
growth was being measured across the OECD and the perception
that not enough was being done to recognize the role that other
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